November 2024: New article published
My paper with Dingeman Wiertz ‘Brittle bridges: ethnic segregation across and within civic organizations’ appeared in the Journal ‘European Sociological Review’ (see ‘Publications’ for more information). See (here) for a short thread.
November 2024: Funding for Tandem Collaboration
I am happy to announce that my Tandem Collaboration with Ansgar Hudde has received Funding from the University of Cologne. See (here) in the near future for more information.
August 2023: New article published
My paper with Nan Dirk de Graaf ‘Gender Segregation in Civic Life: Women’s and Men’s Involvement in Voluntary Associations’ appeared in the Journal ‘Gender & Society’ (see ‘Publications’ for more information). See (here) for a short thread.
July 2023: New article published
My paper ‘Join to connect? Voluntary involvement, social capital, and socioeconomic inequalities’ appeared in the Journal ‘Social Networks’ (see ‘Publications’ for more information). See (here) for a short thread.
December 2022: ODISSEI Grant
Jochem Tolsma, Dingeman Wiertz, and I won an (ODISSEI-LISS grant). We are excited to study how people’s preferences shape segregation in civic life.
Segregation is a pervasive phenomenon that limits intergroup contact and may undermine social cohesion, reinforce inequalities, and give rise to polarization. Our data collection aims to advance our understanding of (the drivers of) social segregation in two different settings – civic organizations and neighborhoods – to identify opportunities and obstacles for intergroup contact. Firstly, we collect rich data about people’s involvement in civic organizations, examining social sorting across and within civic organizations, and along multiple social dimensions. Secondly, we conduct innovative choice experiments to analyze to what extent different social groups embrace or avoid social diversity when choosing civic organizations or neighborhoods.